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Canopus or Gigabit for Video playback





Messages: 8
Registration: 29.09.2010

Hello all, I have just returned back to the PT world after a two year break and find myself in a dilemma. I just got a refurb PT MixPlus and put it in a Dual 1GHZ G4. I am running PT 5 so I can use all my old legacy Plug-ins that I don't want to give up. I have 3 internal ATA IBM 7200RPM 120gb drives (one is my system drive) and multiple firewire drives if needed. I am now trying to get video going in PT 5. I am told that the Canopus ADC100 is the way to go but I also hear from Digi that it doesn't work in OS 9 with PT 5. Does anyone have this working? If so can you give me the specs on the setup - PT version, QT version, Canopus setup and any additional stuff needed. Also I have read that people are also having luck with Gigabit ethernet and or VirtualVTR. Any thoughts on this route and would a G3 B&W with a G4 450 upgrade card work for that route as a video server. One last thing - How are people capturing theses days? Program, settings and PT offset. Thanks a bunch for any help Harry

Бытовая химия из Германии в наличии!
Message # 1 07.10.24 - 03:42:28
RE: Canopus or Gigabit for Video playback



Messages: 166
Registration: 20.10.2011

Hey Harry! Nice to see you involved again. I have a similiar setup at home. I decided to put the Radeon 8500 in for video playback to an SVHS input on my TV. Works like the old Radius cards used to-just click on the movie in ProTools and it goes to the TV. Scrubbing is really fast, and it doesn't seem to have the sync issues the Canopus has while scrubbing. Cheap too- around $180.00. You'd still want to keep the Canopus for capture, though, as the Radeon is playback only. I am still capturing with the Miro DC30 on the Power Tower Pro, and etherneting the picture to the internal IDE on the MDD Mac. Takes a few minutes per reel, but works fine. Bob

Восковая депиляция, диодная лазерная эпиляция шугаринг. 067 932 33 96.
Message # 2 07.10.24 - 03:45:48
RE: Canopus or Gigabit for Video playback



Messages: 460
Registration: 22.01.2010

Hey back. Good to hear from you as well. I went through the hell of installing the echo fire plug-in and trying the canopus and it sucked, to be polite. Jittering is fixable on a still frame but the video still has to seek out that field each time which makes for jittery scrubbing and frame by frame advance. I had a Radeon 7000 sitting on the floor so I put it in and hooked up a second vga monitor to it and surprise, surprise all was great. Since I have a Final cut pro system with an igniter card on it I can capture there or would you believe I still have my Power tower pro with a Radius videovision card that still works as well :> Email me back at when a good time to call and chat is, and I can give you the move update. Harry

Message # 3 07.10.24 - 03:57:14
RE: Canopus or Gigabit for Video playback
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