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LE Mobile Studio?!





Messages: 66
Registration: 03.24.2002

I'm gearing up to take my studio on the run with me so i can finish off my cd wherever i go. I would love to get a G4 Powerbook but the new Ibook 500mhz are really sweet and alot cheaper. I run other software besides LE, like.... Recycle, Reason, Reaktor, Metasynth, Absynth, Koblo, synth progs basicly where i'll be using MIDI keyboard with a USB midi box by midi man but do you guys think that the Ibook could cut a mobile studio? and if so... what should i use for an IO instead of my 001 because that stays at home at the real studio where I run a hotrodded G4 400. Thanks alot!

- Jay 2004 BMW X5 3.0 200x BMW 330Ci/i - Soon 2001 BMW 325Ci - Sold 1998 Acura NSX-T - RIP 1993 Mazda RX-7 R1 - Sold
Message # 1 05.11.23 - 17:27:48
RE: LE Mobile Studio?!



Messages: 68
Registration: 04.21.2002

MOTU 828 it is a firewire I/O, PT won't run on it, but I think you maybe able to run free PT. I am just taking a guess if it will work or not, take a look at the MOTU webpage. I would guess there would be more information there. Toecat

1999 528ia Oxford Green 1996 Land Rover Discovery 1973 MGB Roadster 1975 Oldmobile Delta 88 Royale 1977 Jeep CJ7
Message # 2 05.11.23 - 17:38:25
RE: LE Mobile Studio?!



Messages: 245
Registration: 07.22.2003

does anyone know if you can use pt le on the new ibook sans the hardware just for editing on the go?thanks

Imola Red/Black M3 Coupe
Message # 3 05.11.23 - 17:49:22
RE: LE Mobile Studio?!



Messages: 951
Registration: 09.26.2003

Yeah, I just want to know if everybody thinks most software would run smoothly on the new Ibook or not. If not then i guess i'll have to save a lil longer and spring for the G4 laptop i guess, hehe

HarryPR '81 320/6 Baur (#2569) BMW CCA # 19290
Message # 4 05.11.23 - 18:00:26
RE: LE Mobile Studio?!



Messages: 64
Registration: 12.31.2002

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:<HR>Originally posted by tgsf: does anyone know if you can use pt le on the new ibook sans the hardware just for editing on the go?thanks<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No. The hardware acts as a "dongle," prohibiting you from using the software without having the DIGI001 attached to it. There are cludgey solutions, such as buying a very expensive external PCI box into which you'd install the DIGI001 PCI card etc. Hmf. Like I said, very cludgey.

Message # 5 05.11.23 - 18:06:25
RE: LE Mobile Studio?!



Messages: 42
Registration: 09.09.2002

Besides which, the ibook doesn't have a PCMIA slot, so you couldn't even use the MAGMA if you wanted to. For Protools on an ibook- its Protools free or nothin, and that means soundmanager audio, only 8 audio tracks, NO AUDIO INPUT, and limited ability to move your plugins from desk to laptop. You'll need to think about another program and either a USB audio interface or Firewire audio interface (MOTU 828, MHL expensive box) if you want more than that. I just heard that the Mac OS drivers are out for the eMagic EMI 2/6, so it looks like I'll be going Logic AP on the road with my G4Ti IF you have a G4PB you could use PTF with the digigram VX pocket as well - some folks are getting usable results with this card - but again its PCMIA only - sorry no ibook.

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Message # 6 05.11.23 - 18:10:50
RE: LE Mobile Studio?!



Messages: 75
Registration: 02.27.2001

Well would it be cheaper then to just buy the G4Ti and get a PCMIA card? or to get the ibook and get the firewire device? I have to get midi and audio data into my computer, i dont care if it's 1- 1/4" input and a midi in and out. Use like a Midisport USB to Midi hub? then i just need a way to record audio and get audio in...hmmmmm. Would reason and rebirth......recycle and say....reaktor work on the ibook? just save loops and things iternaly then send over to my desktop and go from there? Just curious... I need to get a laptop in a few weeks. =-D

Message # 7 05.11.23 - 18:21:05
RE: LE Mobile Studio?!



Messages: 4,154
Registration: 02.03.2003

Could I as well use the eMagic EMI 2/6, then run Logic Audio Platinum on the Ibook?

I like the unicorns. '99 Z3 Coupe - Jet Black/Black (1-of-114) '99 M Coupe - Estoril Blue/Black (1-of-82) '03 540iT - Sterling Gray/Black (1-of-24) '16 Z4 sDrive35i - Estoril Blue/Walnut (1-of-8)
Message # 8 05.11.23 - 18:27:11
RE: LE Mobile Studio?!



Messages: 33
Registration: 01.29.2002

Bonjour. Le mobile studio du Digidesign. hehe

Message # 9 05.11.23 - 18:35:27
RE: LE Mobile Studio?!
do you hear sound in import audio ??? : Previous topic
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