My latest work. This one has virtual versions of four synths I used to own. Oberheim TVS-1, Arp String Ensemble, Roland Juno-106, and DX7. This also features my dad's old 1934 Gibson L-00 acoustic guitar. I call it "Solar Fusion" at:
--------------------- Audi S4 '04 Im A Confused Lunatic Racing Down The Street!
A nice laid back swing feel. I take it that's you playing 'real' drums. You can certainly turn out these interesting melodic compositions. What virtual analogue synths did you use, were any of them the Krzywicki synths? Also, what did you use for the DX7? I've recently been trying out the Freeware Oxe FM synth and Hexter 1.3. Pete
Sounds great Glennbo. The drums sound very full and the human element of them stands out great. I think I am about to go with Superior drums. I have Gigastudio but am not going to use it anymore.
Another cool one, Glennbo - thanks for sharing. Like the chord voicings in the guitar. Keep it up - you'll be a separate Itunes playlist soon.:)
Liberal from Latin liber "free". One who believes in individual liberty; generous; broad-minded; not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy or traditional forms; anti-fundamentalist (Muslim, Christian or any other).