create a track, go to add FX, add the FL Studio VSTi (Multi). Then click on the Fruit in the vsti GUI and it opens fruity. Load the project you want (or start composing) and you're done. Fruity's BPM is slaved to Reaper. Why? Because if you're familiar with fruity, its easier to bash out pattern based rhythms and trial samples in a pattern easily while its running. I used to do most of my loop creation in fruity and then move to reaper for audio and synth stuff. You can also 'rewire' fruity if thats more familiar. Same process, just instead of choosing the VSTi, choose the rewire FL STudio client.
AT the moment, reaper/fruity has a bug that the multi out routings aren't saved (well they are, but they don't take effect until you reload the file in fruity) in the vsti version. not sure about the rewire. rewire makes you load the fruity file seperately each time you open the project, vsti you don't. Not sure about any other differences. Both worked fine for me.
I downloaded the fruity loops demo and all the plugins automatically came into reaper effects. not such a good thing cause Im not sure that they work so good since only a demo they shut off and stuff.
Reaper monitors your VST folder to determine which plugins to show. You can move them if you don't want them to show up. As far as I'm aware, the demo version of Fruity just doesn't allow you to save.
Thanks man!! I guess I was just looking at it the wrong way. Makes sense. It's an effect, so I want to the record the effect. This is exactly what I was wanting to do. Seriously, Thanks!
no worries, happy to help, reaper is a bit different (and can be confusing) to other DAWs in that a track can be many things (midi/audio/vsti) whereas others tend to have dedicated VSTi tracks and dedicated buses etc.
I use fl studio with reaper by using rearoute. i dont need it to be tempo synced so this works exceptionally well. reaper has become a sort of front end to my audio card and i make constant use of the patch bay. fl studio has a few tracks assigned to its out put and all the hardware inputs go thru reaper first, before being sent to various other applications that i have open simultaneously like traktor, and kore 2. back in reaper, i have channels for monitoring and seperate ones for recording so i can, for instance, have different effects for my headphone mix than for my main out, and differnt still for the channels that get recorded as oppsed to the ones that go to external monitors. reaper and fls are truly amazing together. onyx
I'm trying to load the FL Studio multi vsti into Reaper 4.30 and am getting an error saying that FL is already running or hasn't been installed properly. Neither of these are true. FL Studio vsti/multi show up in plugins browser but rewired does not. I added a path to the rewired folder in FL 10.0.2 to Reaper scan paths, but that doesn't show up so I can't try rewire versus fl vsti since neither are working. Any tips on how to rectify?