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Today: 15.03.2025 - 06:35:58
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gordian knot freeze problem





Messages: 7
Registration: 05.12.2006

For some time now, ever since I got home from college and started using an old comp that I always did div3 SBC encodes on and another that has a fresh install of WINXP with all div3 codecs and files, I attempted to encode in the SBC fashion and 95% of the time when I run a freeze frame check, it will always get a freeze frame? I'm pretty sure before this wouldn't happen because I have watched some old rips. I also watched the new ones so as to check the freeze checker wasn't in error. It wasn't, now I don't know what to do to stop this freeze framing that's occuring in all my encodes. Can anyone help? I heard using anti-shit does not give you the filesize you want and takes twice as long. Is there any other way?

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Message # 1 04.11.22 - 15:09:59
RE: gordian knot freeze problem



Messages: 16
Registration: 21.11.2011

antifreeze?kf boost?xvid? U'll never get freezeframes with XviD thats for sure

Message # 2 04.11.22 - 15:15:25
RE: gordian knot freeze problem



Messages: 2
Registration: 08.02.2011

what's anti freeze? is there a such a thing like that in gknot and how would I adjust kf boost in gknot, i'm still kind of new to this.

Message # 3 04.11.22 - 15:19:10
RE: gordian knot freeze problem



Messages: 8
Registration: 14.09.2010

many tried but nobody has every found out what exactly causes divx3 - codec errors. on some systems/installations you get 'em, on some you don't - there is nothing you can do to change that. usually you get them always or never. there are two different kind of errors: 1) freeze frames: playback stops at such a frame. (there is a tool to fix that after encoding is finished) 2) "shit": completely ruined picture until the next keyframe. nandubs "anti-shit" is the only way to "avoid" these problems. actually it can't avoid them, it just tries to detect when it happens, then reencodes the problem frame as a keyframe. whether "anti-shit" is able to handle these errors and still keep the desired filesize obviously only depends on HOW OFTEN the errors occur (and that depends on your system, the source material you are trying to encode, the bitrate,...). "anti-shit" can help in many cases, but not in all - and unfortunately it's very slow. if you get lot's of errors i feel sorry for you and recommend to use xvid or divx5. wef.

Message # 4 04.11.22 - 15:30:42
RE: gordian knot freeze problem



Messages: 53
Registration: 19.03.2010

Thanks for the reply Wef. I've been using xvid so far and it seems good. I'll try anti-shit one of these days. The reason I wanted to know about this was because usually I compare xvid and div3 encodes.

Message # 5 04.11.22 - 15:36:09
RE: gordian knot freeze problem
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