Hi, I'm rather encouraged by your posts, because I had thought that I'd have to scrap my current system in order to even consider the Digi001 based on what I've read. I have a PMac 7500 with an Interex (XLR8) 366 G3 card. I have 112mb of ram right now. If I could just add another 128mb of ram, and use some sort of dedicated scsi drive for the audio recordings (suggestions?), it would save me a ton of money. I'm curious if you've used any of the RTAS plug-ins to any extent, and have experienced lock ups or problems? That seems to be the one major reason to go with the G4 chip.. I have a carrier card on my box, I wonder if the Interex G4 upgrades would work well? Our band has used OMS and Vision for our midi sequencing, and well .. *L* We're stranded now.. So the $1000 for the Pro Tools LE and the audio interface seems like a real bargain from our viewpoint. We only have three people in our band, so the limitations track-wise of the Digi001 does not concern us too much. But, it would be a very Merry Xmas if we didn't have to get a new comp right now at the same time Let me know how your recordings go, we're very hopeful to have a digi001 in our near future..