I notice when I turn this preference OFF, all of a sudden my XLN drums' UI doesn't behave sluggishly. (can't say the same for Zebra2, though). It's not that its sluggish per say, its that if I click on something on the GUI, the delay which is set in milliseconds will be the time it takes for whatever thing I click to SOUND. I am curious, how much of an increase in plugin performance does one get with Anticipative FX turned on at the default value of 200ms?
I think you can check for yourself in the FX chain window. At the bottom left you have the CPU consumption first for the highlited FX than for the whole FX chain. Check with Anticipative FX turned on/off and see what difference it makes, if that's what you want (not quite sure if I understood your question right).
--------------------- "The President inserted a cigar into Ms. Lewinsky's vagina, then put the cigar in his mouth and said: 'It tastes good.'" - Kenneth Starr '09 M-sport 135i '11 C300 '02 M3(sold) '01 330ci(sold)
Anticipative mode disabled does 50 less plugins that Cubase. I haven't tested with Anticipative mode enabled and Synchronous FX multiprocessing enabled, but I suspect that combination will result in similar to Cubase results.
The next thing to test would be to see if turning OFF Anticipative FX in the piano roll caused any performance degradation. I really don't like REAPER with it on, even though its not a deal breaker. Reason being is that I don't believe a piano roll should have any extra latency.
--------------------- Nelson Mandela borrowed this from Marianne Wilson in his 1994 inaugural speech - "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We as
lol, craziness. Imagine what dual octocore chips would return... >700 compressors @ 64 samples? Christ almighty. It's not even worth worrying about which DAW has best performance anymore at that point. Even if you only got 600 compressors in Cubase, still, wtf!
@Dstruct The thing is that even at 50ms that's still a noticeable delay. It sort of bugs me to know that Anticipative FX makes interacting with the piano roll and VST UIs act like I'm running my ASIO driver at 2048 samples in Cubase. At the default 200ms, interacting with interfaces will act the same as if one was running in Directsound in a normal way at something above 8192 samples. Kind of ridiculous the trade off there. I'm not sure why there isn't more of a stink about this method.